The new moon’s voice

I am not afraid anymore, to be a beginner just beginning
I have done this many times now,
having died to be reborn endlessly.
You love me when I am whole and shining,
but perhaps if I was not feeble as I am now,
I would lose that charm for which you yearn.

That circle that speaks to you your own truth,
unending and still beginning.
I may seem alone, a lost fragment,
but it is the sun that shines and lives through me.
There is so much hidden of me,
for the sun to embrace in its bosom of light.

And I will embrace my many deep hollow scars,
fearlessly as I keep growing.
So that when I am whole illuminated,
you do not forget the beauty of imperfection.
I am not afraid anymore, to be a beginner just beginning.
For He grants me permission to start again.