The flame of love

I know them as boys who love to party, the adventure daredevils and renegades,
but tonight in the mountain, they show another side.

We sit by the fire on the moonlit terrace. Every one is perfectly silent watching the flame dance.
“What do you see?”, I ask.
“I can’t quite explain nor describe it.” says Pat who is most entranced by the flame and gleaming like a child to himself.
Z : “I see a woman dancing.”
Me : “It’s like love, ever- shifting, ever-changing, never the same.”
Gor puts in a few more twigs.
Z : “She’s right, it’s like love, you need to feed it to keep it alive.”
Gor : “The spark needs to be there in the first place, to keep it alive.
Without that initial spark, nothing can keep it alive.”

Every one and everything falls back into silence.
In the silence, I think it is the divine that ignites the spark between two souls, that indescribable thing called Love, no money can buy it, no person can dowse it & when it is found between two such people,
they become tenders to the sacred flame of Love;
that God first sparked.

Not a word is said. Everything is in the flow. The river beside us, the wine in our veins and we ourselves,
as the full moon watches.


The boy with the guitar

I had been there before 2yrs ago in search of Agape, thinking that if I was away from all that was known and familiar, she would show me her face of grace.
In what was just a glimpse, as I sat in my favorite café, the ordinary world around me turned extraordinary. As the music played in the café, the rain and people walking past by on the street, everything danced in tune and perfect harmony. I sat there alone, listening to the couple laughing beside me, the conversations of friends buzzing and I was whole. Without needing reason, it was simply there. For that moment, Agape soared in my soul showing me she was real.

2years later as I am walking out of my favorite café, now..
I saw a boy sitting beside it and he seemed to have a magnetism to him. I smiled and he smiled acknowledging me, and then because I had nothing to say to this stranger, I walked on and explored what the hours held.
While walking to the waterfall, I had to pass my favorite café and all of a sudden, the music that poured into the street took me back to that profound moment from 2yrs ago. Agape!
I stood still, thinking it was more magic music being played from my magic café , but I looked up to find that same boy with a magnetism, strumming his guitar.

This time I didn’t hesitate nor pause momentarily. As I sat down to listen, for the first time, I noticed that he was so beautiful, with clear eyes the blue of an ocean and wind-swept brown hair.
But it was easy to see that his beauty pierced deeper and his eyes held a million stories.
When he began to sing, I sat there speechless at the ways through which God speaks to us, for the words of his song held the things I needed to hear in that moment of time.
The things I couldn’t get myself to listen, being sung out to me.

When I played that song to my loved ones, his voice & words pierced them too and it sang to each one differently. To a friend, it was about the “time to let go” an obsessive love relationship. A loved one said, she needed to get her whole family to listen in, because for her, it meant the “time to let go” of the past and respect the closed doors.

Did that music know from 2yrs ago, that I would find his music in the same place?
I thank that boy with the blue eyes of the ocean.
I thank him for being a river of beauty that flows deep inside and bringing it forth, like the river that rises to be a wild cloud after its wild journeys and pours forth as sweet rain from his mouth. As his voice breathed into the air, it filled with a haunting beauty that drifting days did not erase from the womb of time.
It was both a place I didn’t know enough of, and one I was revisiting.

I think all those around him can see he is already a gleaming star, from the beautiful Goddess women to his friends. To me he is the boy that taught me so much, in such a short time :
All you need is music to feel Agape, and the world is yours.

by Shenaz Wahid
“Oh let go of what has been,
there’s nothing there for you my friend.”

Mom and dad

When I let Dad go to the light, was the first time I put pen to paper.
It wasn’t so much a sad song, as much as a sure celebration of the Angels who were welcoming him. My first true poem from the heart was inspired by losing the man I feel I have never lost.

He lives in me, as that confident voice when I made my first soup that was a disaster. I was 8 and threw in all the vegetables with two maggi cubes. He sat there, ate it somehow and told me that it was the most delicious thing, he had ever had. After that I made it for him often, even on the night when he didn’t get to taste it.

I find his diary from 95, the year in which we parted, to find in it a business meeting with the Queen of England. I smile to myself and while I am proud of him for reaching the skies quite literally, this is far from what makes me love and adore that man.

When we were young, every Sunday we would go the marketplace to buy crabs, prawns and lobsters, and he would cook for us and mom. I went there a year ago on my birthday to put together a seafood dinner for friends. The fisherwomen who hear I am his daughter, grab my face with their fishy fingers and kiss it.
The rich may forget but the poor never do, those whom touch their heart. For they have no other reason but love, to remember. It is they, who make me feel my father’s heart.

In my memories he isn’t the dreamer busyman that people tell me he was. He is the man who told me stories and sang me songs to sleep, the man who danced and laughed with me, and drove us home like a proffesional race car driver after dinners, with my mom and me screaming terrified and my brother delighting in the same skill of drifting that has flowed into him.

If it’s supposed to be sad, I have never seen it this way. For in losing him, I have learned early the fragility of fame and wealth, and the strength of love that towers far beyond it! I will meet him again, of this I am certain!
Perhaps I was too young to realize or feel the gravity of it all, or if I did, there was that woman, who has for ever shielded me from everything with her mountainous love.

Mom is the epitome of love and patience who has borne everything : from my complete refusal to study those pages of boredom in school, to my changing dreams. Mom I want to be “a cricketer, a dancer, a model, a pilot, a businesswoman, an interior designer, no wait a fashion designer.”
From being called in to the principal’s office for accidentally jumping on top of a teacher, to the teenage years of rebelling and breaking everything from rules to plates, she has been there patiently and despite who or how I was, lovingly.

Even when I have chosen wrongly and made a mistake.
Even though no one had asked me to, somewhere in my heart I wanted to reach the skies like my father and in my own version of it, I envisioned fashion lines all over the world, not realizing how foolish that was. While in London studying fashion, I found myself alone without all that I had always known myself to be, and in that time I remembered how I have always loved words. How I could never get past single digits in Math class, but how my hand was perpetually raised in class if someone had to read or tell a story.

I wrote here often and visited the ‘British library’ more than I did any fashion store. I was so scared to admit it to myself then. Not another mistake, that I had come so far to make, in another country.
After it all, tears streaming down my face, I turned to my mother, “Mom I don’t want to do this. I just want to write, to travel and dance.” I was expecting a storm of utter disapproval but instead all I got, from the woman who has let the world be my playground was, “It’s okay, leave the past behind. It’s done, so now do what you want to do.”

Mom, Dad thank you for falling in love, being love and weaving our lives with the love that you are.

by Shenaz Wahid

The golden necklace

That golden necklace woven so beautifully glimmers, in the sunlight dancing through the window.
But should I have no one to wear it for,
And should it be worn only in my company,
it would all but lose its meaning.

I love this necklace,
but without love it shall turn into a thread, heavy and empty in its lonenliness.
With love, a magnificent sun beam, born and found in the heart of a mountain.

by Shenaz Wahid

Dear twin soul

Dear soulmate,

We were separated so we could know the deliciousness of union.
so that when we come together,
with what you’ve learned and what I have by being so far away,
we can be more.
This was love’s strange command.
the hurt of seperation,
to know union’s joy!

(twin soul/ soulmate)


Hardwork has a stereotype.
An “office or a place” you go to and put in “x” hours and finish “x” amount of work.
I’ve often heard it being said, either with pride or respect “He/she is such a hardworker”, but I’ve begun to wonder What does that word really mean?

For Beckham hardwork is hours of tossing and playing with the ball. For Mozart, its endless hours on the piano creating new tunes. For a dancer its endless hours of training her body in movement. For a singer, its endless hours listening to music, practicing with their voice and messing with the guitar. For a painter, its staring for hours at things and then playing with colors to capture it on a blank canvas. To the photographer, it’s the endless clicks on his camera. To the designer, it’s playing with lines and bending them to create new form.
To the gardener, its hours of meddling with the soil.
To the journalist, its being out in the world, capturing what’s happening in words and pictures. They ALL “work hard”.
And for many its travelling endlessly to unearth new treasures, meeting people and being inspired to create something new; an idea, a piece of Art or a new way of working even!

I think its high-time we redefined that word, not as something that tires us, making us weary and exhausted, not without reason or passion.
And be saluted, why? Neither should it be revered aimleslly. Someone could put in endless hours at a job that means nothing to them, just because they feel important only by “staying busy”. Even if being busy has no greater purpose.
I don’t think the same rules apply if you’re a filmaker or a gymnast.
Hardwork isn’t only an office. It’s giving all that you are to what you love, to your purpose and reason for being here on earth, to your dreams. It’s time to respect that word when it’s endless hours of passion in motion, whether its in the office or the playground that is, this beautiful delicious world.

I’m all for the discipline, dedication and enthusiasm that any task requires, neither am I against the office.But it’s time we expanded our limiting definition of that word.
Rumi says “Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.”
I’m saying lets respect every heart’s unique desire.
It’s time we respected everyone’s definition of hardwork. Heck its time we respected everyone’s own unique definition of everything!


Love makes us warriors

Love makes us warriors.
Perhaps a warrior of Love is far more than a warrior of war.
For in war, you wield your sword and if you use it right,
you can conquer with your power and might.
But to love takes maddening courage,
to stand naked, no shield or sword,
and offer up your blood and everything that you are, willingly.
Not knowing what the other might give,
nor does it matter.

You love, because you must love.
Because you can’t imagine it any other way.
You love, because you are love.
And you offer this bravely,
A warrior of the soul.

And what love brings is always a mystery.
Sometimes a sword piercing right through,
but if love is wielding this sword,
then painful as its thrust, Love is exactly what pierces through,
deeper to a place, we haven’t yet been.

There are times your heart beaming golden,
dances in love’s all consuming fire.
And the one to whom you offer this, turns his face away,
leaving you confused in his shadow.
But if it is love that makes him turn,
then she knows a dancer better suited,
to dance her ecstasy in harmony with yours.

Sometimes you walk her road alone,
And although it seems she has abandoned you, she never does.
She leaves you there alone, to learn what she has to teach,
to share when another arrives.
To teach what is so hard to learn,
that even though you may seek her in everything and everyone,
she lives in you and if you find her there,
you will everywhere.

If love is your true pursuit,
you will find it in the eyes of another,
On the corner of the street where you least expect it,
You will find it love warrior.


If I were to dream the worst

If I were to dream the worst,
Perhaps it is far better to fall and die in the abyss of the mountain I love, than from the flames of the volcano my heart never intended to conquer.

For to reach that abyss, I would have still felt the the strength of the mountains, the quiet of the forests, the light of the stars, the flow of the streams that become a waterfall after having coursed through their journey’s length. I would have seen many traveler’s faces, kissed many stones, let the fishes swim inside me and allowed the sun to make rainbows on my body.