About the writer

I follow my curious heart, more fearlessly than I should,
especially if it leads me to a good story.
A story-telling wandering bard, my longing to learn from the world takes me exploring mountain, village, town and city.
A dancer, expressing the music in me through movement.
I write to give words to the poetry that hides in life,
for all that I have lived and has stirred my heart deeply.

I write because I don’t want to die, with all that I’ve lived, still within me.
And here, I hope to share the invisible parts of my soul,
made visible for all to see.
Let me tell you a story, a poem or both. 🙂

You can also find Shenaz on The Huffington Post

10 thoughts on “About the writer

  1. Hi S W …. in which for me S stands for sensitive, superb, stunning and W stands for wondering, wanderlust, wannabe …but also wonderful ! You may wish to ask me why I also included ‘wannabe’ in my list, because you have already arrived in so many ways…. for that you will have to find and ask me!

    Not sure what happened yesterday, after seven post meridian…. was it something to do with the stars, or with the sun having set on our friendship, almost as soon as it was in the act of rising?

    In other words, were Lost in Translation, Gone With The Wind, or Gone in 60 Seconds?

    My Big Question right now is this: Did you elope, or were you kidnapped, but perhaps with a little active abetment from your own side, too?

    S S has a lot to answer for, if he is indeed the offending party.

    Since this is one writer writing to another writer, along with sparks, words are bound to fly, too. But, clearly, in all those three hectic days at the Litfest, one of the best things happened to me only on the 3rd and final day, a fitting finale to an absorbing event. Can you guess what I am talking about here, my dear? (Hint: you don’t have to be Agatha Christie to be able to guess it!)

    How does one find your contact details, as in mail I D, phone number and more? How come we never got around to the basics, dear?

    Am just putting down what I think and feel here, not even sure whether they let it all go through, or is it reviewed/screened for any reasons? Hoping a certain man called P. Nahalani does not read my stuff. Or else, he is ingenious enough to find something objectionable in my post, and then find few ingenuous ways of censoring it, simply because he just cannot let anything go through without few snips and cuts. An alternative career awaits him soon. But, he would need a pair of scissors, even for that!

    Something very interesting is happening this evening at NCPA around 6. My good friend from Bubhaneshwar, the very noted Odissi dancer Ileana Citrasti, is giving a talk. As a dancer, am sure you you would love to attend and also to get to know her, wanted to invite you for this event. Also enables us to plan in a day in town, on the South Side, wherein we Northerners dare not venture too often!

    Hope you will be reading this sooooooooon and can get back to me pronto. My real response to you as a writer would come soon, when we can catch up again in person.

    Cheers & love, always!


  2. Hi Shenaz !

    Hoping you will see this msg & surely call me back pronto, on 9821616263 so we can connect again.

    This evening a very interesting event is happening virtually at a stone’s s throw from your place. Should you be in town & free, would be great if you can be there too.

    The popular, acclaimed new poet, Rochelle Potkar is releasing her first anthology, “Four Degrees Of Separation at The Cuckoo Club, Next to Candies The Learner’s Academy & Candies, in the lane going towards Gold Gym, Pali Hill Road. You are such a local of this location, am sure you’ll find the venue easily. This will happen at 7 p.m. today.

    Rochelle will be in conversation with another equally acclaimed poet-author, Muntasir Dalvi.

    Along with you, all poetry lovers and lovers of languages & all things creative, who happen to read this on your popular blog, are all invited too !

    Cheers & love, dear !

    Imran Merchant

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